...Contraption! on a slightly smaller and much more maneagable scale. I threw around a load of ideas but the central concept is the same, it is based on awareness of surroundings and living in the moment, better living through gadgetry and something that bridges the worlds of technology and old school.
I want to create something that, like a photo booth but for viewing not making images, you must operate or power it yourself in order to see the images. No passive photos of my holidays here, no falling asleep in the slideshow, you the viewer will be fully engaged and I dare say utterly fascinated the entire time.
Although that being said it is still for me quite difficult to nail down what it is that I am actually thinking. I want to adress the disconnect in people and and each other, their surroundings and reality through a work that does not let you passivley observe. The rest, well... that's just mad scientist territory!
It should incorporate old and new technology, from a hand crank to qr code... I want to go through the lot.
I have started looking at work by Edward Muybridge and of course, Marchel Duchamp's Anemic cinema is a good place to start.
I want to modify viewmasters ( because I love them and they have so much potential),
look at incorporating tech in a mannequin, building a pedal powered film viewer and really see what can be done with this very mad idea.
so I found an old broken viewmaster and thought I would play around with some plaster moulds to see what I could do with them, trouble is I forgot to put the tubes in for the eye holes.... well... they will still get used!
then I got given this little version so I thought I should take it apart to see how it works, maybe replicate it..
A very simple mechanism so I should not have too much trouble replicating it.
I want to create something that, like a photo booth but for viewing not making images, you must operate or power it yourself in order to see the images. No passive photos of my holidays here, no falling asleep in the slideshow, you the viewer will be fully engaged and I dare say utterly fascinated the entire time.
Although that being said it is still for me quite difficult to nail down what it is that I am actually thinking. I want to adress the disconnect in people and and each other, their surroundings and reality through a work that does not let you passivley observe. The rest, well... that's just mad scientist territory!
It should incorporate old and new technology, from a hand crank to qr code... I want to go through the lot.
I have started looking at work by Edward Muybridge and of course, Marchel Duchamp's Anemic cinema is a good place to start.
I want to modify viewmasters ( because I love them and they have so much potential),
look at incorporating tech in a mannequin, building a pedal powered film viewer and really see what can be done with this very mad idea.
so I found an old broken viewmaster and thought I would play around with some plaster moulds to see what I could do with them, trouble is I forgot to put the tubes in for the eye holes.... well... they will still get used!
then I got given this little version so I thought I should take it apart to see how it works, maybe replicate it..
A very simple mechanism so I should not have too much trouble replicating it.