Today was the day to do final tweaks and then put the machines to use... I am very pleased with the results, after a few little issues with the setting and gears moving ( still need to cap them off in the centre) I had them working and got some good results. I particularly like the varied output from the different configurations of the arms and using multiple pens at once.
1 First off the blocks was the machine formerly known as DM1... now known as Drawing Deck, partly because it kind of reminds me of a dj deck amd because it was partly inspired by the turntable drawing devices that have been kicking about..
I couldn't be much happier with this one to be honest, it is just what I was after.
Next, well, first techinically as I put this out first thing this morning and invited people to get in there and have a go with the camera pencils... people seemed eager and had fun doing it which was the entire point.. it created some lovely outcomes and people did a variety of different marks, this is an experiment I would like to replicate and scale up somehow. I do think that isolating each piece with a set of colours is the way forward.
Finally we have the Octo-sketch... in my opinion the weaker of the three but that may just mean that I need to rethink the concept, or the fact that I messed up the design a bit in that the centre holes in the long arms are not centred... but that's all in the past now... it does have an interesting dynamic and I am looking forward to seeing if it will indeed work with more than one person, it is not reliant on that so it can just be added to and can drag the other bits around... well, see for yourself...
Apologies for the rubbish video, I was holding it with one hand and trying to work the device and keep it from shifting...
It is basically a drunken compass... maybe that is what I should have named it!! Well, that's what I got up to today.