Saturday, 5 April 2014

progress... of sorts

I have been having a bit more trouble with this that I thought I would, trying to nail down what I am actually trying to achieve has been a bit tough but I have made inroads.. In honesty it is about engagement, a fun way to have people engage with the image viewing process rather than pasively walking by a load of pictures on a wall so I am currently back to the cog and machinery idea, I would like to build a picture frame that is cog driven but the cogs themselves are frames for the images on transparancies, if that makes sense... I am starting a maquette.

So the idea here is that I want there to be a series of cogs and each of the four semi circle segments will contain the images and a light will be mounted onto the corner of the frame and will project images onto the wall as the viewer turns the handle, a very basic way of participating. Sort of a tweak on the viewmaster idea. I will have to see if it works in tests and hopefully i will be able to make it up on the laser cutter for the final piece.
This is just one of the pieces I want to have.

So today I saw this wonderful contraption at MMU Art School and I remember when they were making the cogs on the open day I went to, brilliant to see it built.

Here's what it is all about.
Gives me more food for though on the sorts of devices that I can possibly build.

I would love to have the time to put together something along these lines...
I think it is a way off for me yet though, certainly in terms of the engineering aspect but wow, fascinating work.
April 7th

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