Friday, 2 May 2014

More experiments with mark making devices

So while I am developing some drawing machines and devices that one must actively participate with I thought hey.... what if I could design something that does not rely on this but only achieves its goal through air displacement? I experimented with suspending various drawing materials from the rafter thingy over my desk
Charcoal, pencil and graphite

What I found here was that the charcoal left a better line, graphite moved better as it was heavier and the pencil just did not join in at all.
Then I tried compressed coloured charcoal and tying weights to the charcoals, putting little flaggy things on the strings to catch the air and all sorts of serious science like that.
I guess the area my desk is does not catch enough air so not much happened.
I just moved the stick back and forth to get marks and see what level of movement was required.... I got this lovely drawing!
aforementioned lovely drawing
 I then thought I had better move the whole thing to a more breezy location so I came up with a contraption and started hanging more drawing things from it.... now at this point the people around me most assuredly questioned my sanity... once again! Oh how I laughed.

 Now, with nothing to catch the air and no real air movement to speak of not a great deal occured here.... I wracked my brains for a full minute and a half and came up with the GENIUS idea of attaching some balloons to the set up... again the sanity questioning occured, again I laughed...
Yes, serious art in progress here. Well... the idea was sound enough but these particular balloons are very dense therefore not really moving around as much as I would have liked. I resolved to buy lighter ones and do this over again the next day.

Lighter ones the next day.

This worked a lot better and more marks were made on the paper. I then moved it by the back door to avail myself of the gale force winds and had a great success!! Once it started raining I thought it would be fun to use watercolour pencils and see what happens there, just need a spray bottle and a fan.....

If you could just see this in motion, ( I will do a video) balloons and charcoals flapping would laugh also.

So this is where I am with this ongoing experiment, lets see what next week brings eh!!

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