Friday, 2 May 2014


No, not the restaurant where, incidentally, I used to work... a story for another day but the phenomenon.... I swear, during this project I have had many serendipitous moments, well... I will "invent" something or "come up" with an idea only to subsequently discover that it has already been thought of... this is a rather odd thing... yes, I know, we do not live in a vaccuum but really... this latest one is one of the kinetic sculptures I have planned for the FMP and it is essentially a skewiff tower of 7 cogs that are moved by a handle, has a shovel on the bottom as a sort of nod to Duchamp and really just symbolises the futility of so much of our energy expenditure, we are going around in circles etc.... so... then I discover Jean Tinguley fairly recently and today, having finally some time to do a bit of reading and go off on tangets I come across this piece of his
which alomst exactly mirrors the piece I have been working on.. down to the number of cogs, 7.. one for each day of the week...well what can you do!

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